Artist and coach inspired by creativity nature

Hi, I’m Shannon!

I’m a lifelong creative with epic desire to discover what it takes to create a life fueled by creativity.

What I know for sure is creativity is part of our human core.

  • I’ve always been inspired by the interaction between internal and external experience, and the curious (sometimes absurd) things that happen when we step up to our growth edge and decide to take a creative risk.

  • I’ve experienced the sheer joy of creating and accomplishing in ways even my wild imagination couldn’t see. And . . . I’ve experienced the dark nights of the soul that offered opportunity to see, feel, and (over time) heal the parts of myself that need the most love.

  • The creative risks I’ve taken — moving to Colorado, opening a business, pivoting my career, and following my soul’s call to hike the tallest peaks —have opened the world to me and me to the world.